Get your dream home without moving
Before you start tidying…
At the start of any tidying process, I always ask my client “what does your ideal home look like?” This is something you can’t overthink, because it’s the goal that you will be working towards. It helps you keep focussed, reminds you of why you want to tidy up your house. It’s actually even one of my golden tidying rules!
Your dream home may look very different from the one you’re living in. Maybe you want to live in a bigger house, or you want to move to a tiny house. Maybe you dream of moving to the country side, or to a seaside home.
When moving is no option
One of my clients immediately knew the answer when I asked her about her ideal home. Her wish was to move, but that wasn’t an option. And then she fell a bit quiet. So I tried helping to her help answer the question “when would you be happy with your home again?” After some thinking she realized that she would love for her home to have lots of natural light and lots and lots of plants.
Get your dream home anyway!
And she worked hard for it; our tidying session were 5 sometimes even 6 hours long and we sorted through all her belongings in no time. Soon we will be looking at the last category: sentimental items. But the difference in her home is already amazing. A lot of room has been created to put her desired plants. One in a corner over here, a couple of plants on a few crates, and even plants hanging from the wal. And suddenly there was the green heaven she had been dreaming of!
Your dream home
Imagine what it would be like living in a home that makes you feel happy. How would you answer the question: “what does your dream home look like?”
Your home reflects your ideal life
I can hear you thinking, what does tidying up my house have to do with my ideal life? Why is a professional organizer asking about my ideal lifestyle? Well, it all comes back to being specific about the goal of your tidying process. That’s what you’re working towards and the clearer your end goal is to you, the easier the tidying process will be.
Thinking about your ideal lifestyle is one of the pillars of the KonMari™ method, after all, your house should be supporting your life! If you enjoy writing, how nice would it be to have a spot in your home dedicated to that? Do you experience wanderlust, always dreaming of the next trip to faraway places? Maybe you’d like to be able to rent out your during your travels, so that means a home that’s rentable.
What does your ideal lifestyle look like? Does your home reflect that at the moment? How could your home support your dream life? I would be happy to help you figure this out in a free consultation.